Light is a high school student who feels his life is as boring as a four-hour opera in German. That changes when he finds a mysterious black notebook called the death note, it gives him the ability to kill even the president of the United States. Light sets himself on a mission to make the world a better place by killing all the criminals of the world taking care of two problems at the same time: crime and overpopulation. Ryuk a Shinigami and the original owner of the death note agrees to assist Light in exchange for apples. Who can say no to apples? The public adores this killer and gives him the name Kira. In hopes of catching this Kira, Interpol hires a detective named L. L tracks Kira down to Kanto, Japan and deducts that Kira can kill people with just a face and a name. He challenges Kira that he will catch him in the name of justice, Lights ego is demolished by this act, and he swears to kill L and if he doesn't well, he still eventually gonna die somehow. L invers...