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What are Titans and why they eat humans?

Titans are odd creatures to say the very least as they are basically a race of giant humanoid creatures. Two seemingly appeared out of nowhere a century before the start of the series and are responsible for pushing humanity to the brink of extinction. Now there are currently four different categories of Titans we know about being pure titans, abnormal, Waltons, and Titan shifters. For this blog however I thought we would just focus on both the average and abnormal Titans as I feel those two seem to overlap each other a lot. As for the other two I will instead be explaining them in a separate blog post.

Now despite how similar they appeared to humans I wouldn't exactly call giant intelligent beings as they are pretty simple-minded creatures who can be easily fooled and brought down by someone who knows what they're doing. They're unable to communicate amongst each other or speak a language with some slight exceptions and most of them show science over humans would consider abnormalities small limbs, excessive large heads, things like that they also seem to share a masculine body shape and a largemouth. Their bodies are unusually light for such a large creature as a severed arm has been described as weighing almost close to nothing this most likely is also the reason as to why they're so fast as when combined with their enormous strength result in amazing burst of speed and then additionally Jill to these times also possess incredible regenerative powers that can repair damaged body parts anywhere within a few minutes to a few seconds.

Currently the only no way to kill one is by slicing the nape at the back of the neck which will in turn decapitate them and cause the remains to begin evaporating hitting them elsewhere will only stand up at most as depending on the Titan, some of them may just push through their pain and ignore injuries which is pretty odd as you would think being impaled in an eye or losing a limb would stop them. Something even stranger we eventually learn in the series is at Titans don't actually have a functioning digestive track and the obvious lack of genitalia, what this basically means is that after Titans are done feasting on humans there's really nowhere for those remains to go other than just back up through the mouth which brings us to today's question, WHY EVEN EAT THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE? The truth is that Titans are not eating humans just to eat them but they're subconsciously seeking out beings who possess the power of the Titans AKA Titan shifters. Well why do they do this you ask well for that we need to find out exactly where it is Titans come from jump to not long after the destruction of the town of Raghu it is discovered by Honda Sui that the missing villagers were actually not killed but transformed into Titans through some unknown means as evidenced by one of the capture regiments revealed to have once been Connie's mother. Anyways with no human remains found in the Titans, it is concluded that time it's completely absorbed human within leaving only the central nervous system intact as a means of controlling the body is also revealed that by severing the upper vertebrae than a pure actually killing what's left of a human inside but that still drags the question why he and other humans. Well, this theorized by Hanji that Titans can actually absorb abilities from there in other words allowing it ordinary Titan to regain human form if it is successful in devouring a Titan shifter. I won't name anyone specific but yeah this is eventually later confirmed to be true so in reality all Titans are not eating humans just for sick pleasure they're actually trying to return back to the human form.

Adding to what I've already said in this post, Titans get no real nourishment from eating humans by the fact that after the walls went up there are still a significant number of Titans roaming outside the walls this is also the reason as to why you never see Titans eating something like a horse, there's absolutely no need for it. The Titans source of energy however is a very interesting thing that seems to violate much of what humanity knows about life as they seem capable of spontaneously generating both energy and mass from seemingly nothing their high level of activity and body temperature indicates there needs to be some serious massive energy intake coming from somewhere, yet they apparently never need to eat. If we study Titan behavior, we have seen so far, we can see that they become less active at night which leads us to theorize that their primary source of energy is actually the sun. Although this may vary from time to time and as we saw with the capture of one Titan even the moon's reflection of the sun's rays can miraculously be enough to fuel a Titan, I know that there's more I can add about the Titans specifically their true origins however I feel as though it would be better to just leave it for the next blog post.


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