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Obito and Tobi are the same person, right?

Well, I'll be answering that question in a little bit, and I hope to bring forth a little discussion about it as well so in this blog we'll basically be discussing and explaining Tobi but I'm going to try and keep this one short and sweet. When Tobi first appeared he was introduced as Deidara’s new partner following Sasori’s death and during his early appearances his personality was very goofy to say the least now skipping ahead quite a bit we later learned that Tobi was actually Obito Uchiha all along and this is where some people get the idea that Obito really is to be but in all honesty that isn't actually the case to put it simply Obito is not the real Tobi and the real Tobi is the spiral patterned white Zetsu.


Back when Obito was first rescued by Madara we meet the real Tobi for the first time he is also very goofy much like how Obito acted when he took on the alias of Tobi and because of his appearance with the swirly face, Obito nicknamed him Guru Guru or swirly in the English dub to be later helps Obito by letting him wear his body because Obito wasn't strong enough to help his friends quite yet and well we all know how that went down but after that we see to be one last time which is when Obito is using the alias of Madara Uchiha to try and convince Nagato to join their quest for World Peace during this encounter.

Obito is still seen wearing Tobi and after this encounter we don't see Tobi again until he is fighting in the fourth shinobi World War specifically trying to buy some time for that Ten-tails and once Tobi's job was complete, he is seen rejecting Yamato from his body showing us that he was using Yamato's body for power and then after the infinite tsukiyomi was dispelled Tobi is seen for the final time disintegrating. So, I do understand that a lot of you probably didn't think of this white Zetsu as to be due to his lack of screentime but again to put it simply Obito isn't really Tobi. Obito merely went by the alias of Tobi while he was posing as a member of the Akutsuki but at the same time he was also going by the alias of Madara Uchiha to certain people my guess as to why Obito took up the alias of Tobi was because no one except for black Zetsu knew who the real Tobi was and therefore it was easy for Obito to imitate Tobi's appearance and happy go lucky attitude and although we have no proof of this happening I believe it would have been easily possible for Obito to swap out with the real Tobi at any time and have to be merely fill in for Obito as to be in the Akutsuki.


If that makes sense because nobody would realize they were different people because they acted the exact same again, we have no proof of that happening. But I'm curious to know if you guys think that's a possibility now, I'm sure some of you are still thinking to yourself well just because Tobi is a completely different character from Obito doesn't mean Obito isn't to be because he did call himself to be for a big chunk of the series so that means Obito is still Tobi” and I understand why you would think that but let me ask you this. If Obito is Tobi just because he went by that alias then does that mean that Obito is Madara as well? Because he did also go by the alias of Madara for quite a while the answer to that question is No. Because that would be farfetched, we know for a fact that Obito isn't Madara because Madara is a completely different character. So, saying that Obito is Tobi is just as farfetched because we know that Obito and Tobi are two completely different characters. So essentially my whole purpose for making this blog was so you guys could understand that Obito and Tobi are in fact two different characters because some of you guys apparently missed that while watching or reading the series but at the same time, I also want to say that it is still OK to call Obito Tobi. You just need to understand that Obito was just using an alias and was not in fact the real to be so if you guys understand that I have no issue with you referring to Obito as Tobi.


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