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By: Karabo Thoora

Humanity hides behind multiple rings of walls, fearful of hungry, man-eating giants lurking beyond the stone strongholds. Onslaught on Titan is a harsh, thrilling anime about Eren Yager and his companions Mikasa and Armin, who lose everything in a titan attack. Eren swears vengeance and joins the military with his buddies to help battle the giant menace and reclaim their land. This long-running anime seamlessly transitions from action to mystery to political drama.


Eren Yeager is the show's primary character, and he's become more fascinating as the series has progressed. The Eren Yeager of the last season is not the same as the one of the first, with the terrors of his existence having transformed him into someone viewers scarcely know. Fans have known from the start that he will go to any length to destroy the Titans, but the last season has revealed exactly how far he will go.

Eren's arc is one of the most intriguing in anime and one of the show's highlights. Most anime don't feature intricate main characters like him, thus it'll be intriguing to watch how his narrative finishes.


The manga on which AoT is based has two chapters left. Fans have no clue how the story will conclude, which is a major issue for a program as anticipated as this one. There's a risk that Isayama may screw up the conclusion, which would be disastrous for the anime.

A messed-up finale can transform a popular program into a laughingstock—just look at Game of Thrones. AoT has become something special, and if the finale doesn't measure up to expectations, fans everywhere will be unhappy.


Attack On Titan has always had a lot of good things going for it, and one of the best aspects has always been the characters. Attack On Titan's characters have been one of the show's major assets, fully conveying the breadth and horror of the show's primary struggle, from the main three of Eren, Armin, and Mikasa to the outstanding supporting ensemble.

Fans want to know how each of their stories ends, which keeps them coming back. After spending so much time on Marley, the last season has only recently returned to the characters on Paradis, yet absence makes the heart grow fonder.


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